Precision Wheat @ 18kg/ha

Drilled with the Mzuri Xzact precision seeder we drilled both the conventional Wheat variety Graham and the Hybrid variety Hyclick at an ultra low seed rate of 18kg/ha. We aim to demonstrate that the increased light interception and space between plants promotes higher numbers of tillers and stronger, healthier plants. We also believe that the extra space created by drilling at 18kg/ha as opposed to our more standard 180kg/ha seed rate will provide better exposure of weeds to contact herbicides resulting in better weed suppression and chemical efficacy.


Photos below taken on 17th May 2018, highlight the difference in tiller numbers between a conventional seed rate and the low seed rate of the Hyclick and Graham. Since the start of the project we have noticed increased numbers of tillers on the precision planted crops and bigger stronger plants.


Come harvest the crop was looking respectable considering it was drilled at a tenth of the usual seed rate. The average yield for the 18kg/ha precision drilled wheat was 6.5t/ha – Considering the poor year with no rain on farm since spring drilling time we were very impressed with its performance. Going forward into the 18/19 season we will be carrying out more low seed rate trials, including hybrid varieties so follow our farm diary for updates.




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