I never thought I’d see the day that I got excited about a puddle, (since the age of four at least!) but this week I’ve done exactly that. It means we’ve finally had measurable rain since the Maize germinated in May. Normally, I wouldn’t get over excited if this was how our Maize looked at the end of an ordinary July but given the dry conditions this year I am very pleased with the crop. Unlike conventionally established Maize, this was drilled directly into a Radish cover crop stubble into moist soil albeit heavy clay a soil type that would not usually favour Maize.
For crops that have been drilled into ploughed soil not too unlike dry rubble, many have really struggled to establish and grow away. This is why I have been very impressed with this precision striptilled crop which has hung on and on, despite the lack of rainfall. Speaking to Mzuri’s sales manager Will, he has seen the same enthusiasm for the system in not just in the UK but replicated throughout Europe, as a result of this particularly dry season.