As is typical with weed management in OSR, winter tends to be relatively busy. More so this year having opted to not apply a pre emergence herbicide on the crop in a bid to not slow growth during the vulnerable early stages.
Instead, Belkar was applied during December at a rate of 0.25l/ha, which did a swift and thorough job on a wide weed spectrum. Followed by a flurry of activity in January, we began on the 4th with Astrokerb at 1.7l/ha. Given the mild conditions, uptake was quick and the tell-tale swelling at the stem base followed by discolouration of the leaves soon appeared.
Two Saturdays later the sprayer was once again fired up, in ideal conditions to apply Bifenox at 1l/ha plus oil. With bright blue skies and almost no wind, it suddenly felt like spring was just around the corner. Water rates of 200l/ha were used, to ensure good coverage over the odd areas of rogue charlock in the crop. And with three frosts in a row following, the application delivered an excellent kill.
Our permanent tramlines showed their worth once and enabled us to travel when the weather allows. Especially important following the appearance of a new spring at the highest point on the farm, underlining just how saturated the ground is!
Inter row drilled OSR looks well between the rows of standing stubble as Bifenox is applied